Thursday, March 25, 2010

My First Issue!

Post Boxes a.k.a mailbox


Dont you wish the days where mailboxes were how it used? People waiting for their loved ones to send them mail and penpal whom live miles away send a word about how they are and what are they like..thats was how mailboxes were about half a decade ago but now mailboxes have now been polluted with stuff like bills, sign-up forms, advertisments(mostly about electronics,like how good my aircon is...why you should buy this and buy that) e.t.c....WHAT HAS BECOME OF THE ONCE LOVEABLE MAILBOX?

I just came back from class and as i was walkin back home i saw my mum picking up mail from the mailbox and guess the content.....YES....BILLS!! RECEIPT!!!INSURANCE STATUS!!!!...Wth...and the best part is there isn't a single heartwarming mail from anyone you know.....what has happen to our mailbox.....


oh!!! mailbox!!!.....

Now the once heartwarming mailbox has been replaced by what we know as e-mail a.k.a internet mail

One of the neglected stuff of this world: mailboxes ;)

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