Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hi Thre Again :D

Hi Peeps,

After A Long Time now.... I jus realize tat i had a Blog... so I guess i better make some use of it whilst i still have it, dont wanna disappoint some of my frends hu love me so dearly and realize that my blog was just a dumpsite... xD

Hmm...... wat can i blog abt i wonder......


Lets Jus Start With Life lar......

Well today... God made Himself more real to me!! Once Again He amazes me..... Im like " Dude Ur Darn Awesome weh....". He wud win the most Awesome Dude Award with Full Honors xD

Well He Said in His Word "Delight Yourself in Me and I'll grant you your heart's desire"

At 1st it sounded like Woah, my hearts desires....hmmm.....alot of things i wud say.... More Bad stuff then Good Stuff xD

Now I realize How it can happen, Delight in Him.... TAT MEANS!!!!! Stop doing the things He Hate to see you do and do the things He'd loved to see you do....

1)Stop Bloody Swearing(oops...)
-nt an easy task all i wud say, my 1st swear was when i was 12yo(pretty young) and i said F*** cos i lost in Risk Boardgame lol! then my years in Secondary Skool were pretty much F*** all day and "So High" all the time...

2)Worship Him!!!!
-Pretty Alrite i wud say...I Love to Sing to Him on Sunday though i cant really sing (but ever since a pastor said tat God Does nt mind the voice but the heart so...) Then he adds on and says its nt Just abt Sunday and that It Had to b an everyday thing...awww shucks.... all the "dirty" stuff i was doing were an Obstruction!

3) Talk To Him!!!
- Come on Common Sense.... Wanna delight Him u gotta at least talk to Him.... tell Him ur problems(i got lots),tell Him how u dont like ur mum to nag, tell Him how little Pocket Money ur getting, tell Him tat Japan is sinking and He nids to send ppl there! Those are Just examples!!

And These are just the basics!!!!

Well then im gonna share with u how He granting ur hearts desire will enhance ur life!

My Coll Sem 2:
-I DID NOT KNW SH*T(oops...again) till almost the 2nd last week till the final exam!!! I was like SHite,shite shite shite daily....then I got on my knees and talk to Him!(nt gonna sweat the details cos its personal!) and Believe It Or Nt!!! I hu did nt attend Maths Lesson and did not knw a thing!!! and here comes along Our dear teacher Eve! to give us the Maths Paper as a parting gift !!! gahahahah Awesome weyh!!! one moment i did nt knw a thing and the nex moment im like "this is so Aed" xD

-Dude. He created the Universe... That means our freaking Brain as well u knw!!
heres an Equation:
God = (Infinite Awesome) x (man)
Man = (creator of Drums)
God = (Infinite Awesome) x (creator of drums)

SO OBVIOUSLY....If He was on the Drum Set!!! He'll pawned it inside out, upside down from one end of the Universe till the other end!

"OH GOD , help me play drums like how u wud if u were on it.." tat was my prayer....crap, imagining Jesus on a Drum Set Lol!

And The Results were: My bandmates said!!: Wow Terence u really outdid urself, super good weyh today.... im like yea! cos i prayed to God for it~~! The God of the person hu created the drums!

I was checking out a girl in coll. (come on! Even Christian gt wives!). And after i found her on FB i was pretty happy di....then i msg her "Hi" She replied quite coolly! so since then i always wanted to say HI but was pretty shy xD (cut me some slack! 4 years of a boys school has it effect okay...) .... so wat did i do????????...... I prayed (duh..) I asked God to open up opportunities for me to talk to her and said i was shy to say Hi .So i asked God to "make" her say HI 1st.....and the nex day......
Im Like Sh*t...(im nt prepared for this stuff)
So when are u Gonna say hi to me?
Double Sh*t. Nt only she says it 1st , im getting pwned too!

hahaha.....tat was how it when lar....xD

after tat we kept constant communication. And today we are really really gud frends!
(hopes she doesnt read this LOL! it wud sound like i made God made her make frends with me xD tongue twisters)

BTW a shoutout to her today! "Gratz on Ur SPM results! U did Well Babe!!! Keep it up to ur Sem 1 too!"

Now Do u see how awesome God is?
Whats the reason nt to love Him?

Awesomeness is HE hu comes in the name of the Lord!

K Peace Out Peeps!

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