Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Power Of Decision : Day 1 of Week 1/3

Hi all who have been reading and following my blog. ( Up till now only 1 person, but thats alrite)

I've been inactive for almost a year now due to many reasons but have decided to return to the blog-ging world for a special reason this time. The reason this time is to keep track of my growth in performance in my life.

Recently I've been reading a book, " Awaken The Giant" by Anthony Robbins. The book is my father's and has been hidden in the closet for almost 3 decades. I have only found the book recently and realize what a powerful book it is. It held the power to change lives almost instantly.

I have gone through chapter one (more of an intro chapter i would say) and the gist of chapter one was Concentration of Power. For a goal to be achieved in the least amount of time and most effective of ways would be to FOCUS your entire conscious mind on achieving that goal and your God-created mind would automatically generate various methods of achieving that goal. The illustration the book gave was a laser beam. A laser in its original form is harmless but when focused at a point, it has the most devastating effects.

Second aspect ( Lasting Change)
Most people want to change but only initiate it for a matter of days and at most months. New Year Resolution failed because we lacked the motivation to strive towards the resolution anymore and thus we begin to conform into thinking whats the point of having a resolution if i am not going to achieve it. The author listed three aspects for a lasting change:
-Raising of Standard
-> What is the reason for your change? What is it in your life that you can no longer accept and what are the things you will no longer tolerate
-Change Your Limit Belief
->whats the point of raising your standards if you do not believe that you can achieve it? The most powerful hindrance or ally in a lasting change is your belief system. If you tell yourself you cant do it, then you have already failed. Trusting and believing with every fiber of your body that you will achieve that change and that you will make the difference.
-Change Your Strategy
Albert Einstein: You cannot use the same mindset that created the problem to solve the problem
->When you have accomplished the first 2 aspects, the strategy part has already been taken care of by your mind. It will automatically think of ways to help you achieve that change and make sure it is sustained. The best strategy as the author said was to find a role model who is already getting the results you want and learn from them. Knowing what to do, and doing what you know is two different matter

5 Mastery:
The basis of the other four and the most important mastery because virtually everything we do is to change how the way we feel. Do not let outside events take control of your emotions ( which you have total control of ) but rather choose the emotions that best benefits your situation, not just to yourself but to others

Time as an ally and not an enemy. Not managing it but rather manipulating and distorting it to your use

Chapter 2 (Decision)

The Question asked here was : How am I going to live the next ten years of my life? How am I going to live today in order to create the tomorrow I'm committed to? What am I going to stand for from now on?

Coming to realization that It is I who decided who and what I was committed to having and being in my life! Every thing that has happen in life up till this point had all been decisions that YOU have made! Not a single one had been made without you! It is your life and you have full control over it! It is YOUR decision!

The difference between being INTERESTED and being COMMITTED!

E.g : I am interested in making more money Versus I am committed into making more money!

Setting a baseline standard to what you'll accept in life if not you wont know the behaviours and attitudes or quality of life that you should deserve!

Living by those standards even if the whole world were to go against you! BEING COMMITTED TO YOUR DECISION and not COMPROMISING TO EXTERNAL INFLUENCE!

Many people are unable to do this because of a simple word, EXCUSES!
Its all bullshit to say that " oh im too young" or " ohh im too old"
EXCUSES!!!! and they are destructive to the decision you want to make in life!


Ed Roberts: Its not where you start out but the decision you make about where you're determined to end up that matters

1)Decide what you want
2)Take Action
3)Notice what's working or not
4)Change your approach until you achieve what you want.

Making a true decision means committing to achieving a result, and then cutting yourself off from any other possibilities!

E.g: You decide to quit smoking, THEN STOP! expel any form of thoughts of smoking!

The way to make better decisions? Make More Of Them!
Information is power only when acted upon and the mother of all skills is Repetition

And so far I havent complete chapter 2 but I DECIDED that I will complete it today and will write another post about it later

For Now! The goals I have decided to make during my 3 weeks of semester break are:
-I have decided that I will start earning money to purchase the car (BMW 325i Coupe) that I have decided to get. The Sum I need to hit is $300,000 at least! AND I BELIEVE I CAN DO IT
-I have decided that I am the master of my own body and I cannot take how my body looks and would change it by exercising daily ( a morning shift and a afternoon shift)
-I have decided to fulfil One Hour of Bible Reading and Prayer Daily
-I have decided that I will do my Hebrew work!
-I have decided to strengthen relationship ties with the people I am fond of!

And thus that completes my post for the morning, will update again later tonight!

Life principle: Dont Worry, Be Happy

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